
we stand together #WithRefugees please stand with us

The Moose Jaw Multicultural Council will be hosting events to recognize World Refugee Day on June 26th in Crescent Park.  They would like everyone to join them this day to experience life as a refugee and learn about the journey that refugees often face accross the world.  The schedule of events is as follows: 2:00PM - come and explore what life may be like as a refugee  -…
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MJMC and Motif at Moose Jaw Pride Week 2016

Moose Jaw Multicultural Council and the Motif Festival will be sharing an information table at Moose Jaw Pride's Community Fair this upcoming Saturday, June 4th, by the Crescent Park Amphitheatre. The fair starts at 2:30 PM, immediately following Moose Jaw's first ever Pride Parade up main street beginning at 1:30 PM. Please consider joining the parade as a show of support for the gender…
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MJMC Receives Van Donation

This past April 1, 2016, Moose Jaw Multicultural Council (MJMC) received an outstanding donation of a van from the Moose Jaw Salvation Army. We are extremely excited to have this vehicle at our disposal as it will provide us with a great deal of freedom to transport newcomer arrivals around the city and province for important appointments and orientation services. It will also allow our Enlish…
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Last Day of the Harvest Festival

Thanks to Split Art Media, we can give you a glimpse of the fun of our last harvest day with Moose Jaw Multicultural Council volunteers. These newcomers to Canada put in more than 240 hours of work into the farm... as much as everyone else combined! Check it out here!  
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