
Career & Employment Preparation Program

The Moose Jaw Multicultural Council in partnership with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Immigration and Career Training (Labour Market Services), is pleased to offer local employers a unique opportunity to engage, hire and retain eager new Canadians looking for local work. As a part of the Career & Employment Preparation program, participants attend a series of Career & Employment Preparation workshops, which provides a strong basis for successful integration into the labour market. The course includes education on skills development, Canadian workplace culture, resume creation, and job search skills.

Participants may complete Computer Training, First Aid & Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Work Place Hazardous Materials Information System to better prepare them for their employment field of choice. The Employment Coordinator can also support local employers by:

  • Referring qualified candidates
  • Posting employment opportunities
  • Performing follow-ups at regular intervals.

Newcomers to Canada are one of many projected groups that will help fill open jobs in the province. By working closely with the Employment Services at the Moose Jaw Multicultural Council, you are given support, a hard-working and eager pool of workers and a reputation as an Employer of Choice for future newcomers entering the labour market. For more information, contact the Employment Coordinator, Robyn, at employment@mjmcinc.ca or 306-692-6892.

Robyn Watson
Robyn Watson
Employment Coordinator

Vanessa Schaefer
Vanessa Schaefer
Employment Readiness Facilitator


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