We are now accepting fall and winter donations at our office. Please see the poster for the items that we are in need of. If you would like to donate something from this list, please drop it off at MJMC on 60 Athabasca St E (located inside St Andrew’s Church). We are also always in great need of unopened hygiene products. For any other donation inquiries, please contact 306-693-4677 or before dropping it off. We have very limited storage capacity and like to keep our donation room stocked with only the essential items. Thanks so much for your continued support and generosity!


Donating Goods

We are happy to accept donations for some in-demand household items and clothing as we continue to help recently arrived newcomers to Canada get comfortable in their new home. Please feel free to drop off any items in the list below at our MJMC office during regular office hours, including unopened hygiene products, pots and pans. Kindly note that we have limited storage space, so for anything else that is not on the list please call Sharayah at 306-693-4677.

Despite our storage limitations, there continues to be a need for household furniture for newcomers who are setting up their new homes in our city, specifically couches and chairs, dining tables, and storage items like dressers. For larger items, please contact us and we will be happy to do our best to arrange direct transfers. Kindly note that due to storage limitations in our building, we need advance notice to organize direct transfers of items. You can contact our furniture donations coordinator, Travis, at 306-693-4677, or email Or you are welcome to fill out our donation form here. Please note that due to health restrictions we are unable to accept mattresses. Thank you in advance, and we greatly appreciate the many ways you help make our community a welcoming place for newcomers to call home! Welcoming is a community effort, and we couldn’t do it without your support. 








Monetary Donations

Thank you so much for thinking of us and considering making a monetary donation to assist in the settlement and integration process for our refugee and newcomer clients. While every individual and family unit is faced with similar barriers it is hard to know where exactly they may need the most support and at what point in their settlement process assistance may be required. For this reason, we have set up 2 donation programs. They have been created based on past knowledge in where we often see gaps in service and where services and activities are not able to be covered by our current funding agreements. Here is a little bit of information to help you in your decision making.

Where will your donation go?

Option #1

If you donate to the Moose Jaw Multicultural Council’s Saskatchewan Cares Fund, your money will go to things like the grocery store when there's no more food bank options for Johnny’s family while he studies English full-time so he'll be labour market ready soon. It'll go to the shuttle driver who gets Rasha’s family to her specialist appointment in the nearby city. It'll go to the driver trainer who's about to equip Nizar with the skills he needs to get behind the wheel and open up his job prospects beyond just what sits on the bus line. It'll go to the landlord after Maya’s mother misses work to stay home with her all week.

Option #2

If you donate to the Moose Jaw Multicultural Council’s Community Connections Fund, your money will go to things like purchasing craft supplies for ladies nights or pool time for men’s night so that newcomers are able to participate in activities that will help them adjust socially into their new community.  It’ll go to buying books and small toys for children who are meeting Santa for the first time.  It’ll go to buying coffee and tea for community cafés to connect newcomers with Canadians and volunteers.  It will go to celebrating days of significance such as: International Women’s Day, World Refugee Day, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

The Small Print

All money donated to the MJMC will go to funds earmarked specifically for gaps in serving the basic and settlement needs of newly arrived refugees OR will go to community connections activities, whichever you prefer.  All monies will be carefully monitored & used only when no mainstream alternatives are available.

Cash donations $20 and above may receive a charitable receipt, if requested!

If you wish to make a monetary donation to our organization you can do so by visiting our main office at 60 Athabasca St. E.  We are set up to receive cash, cheque or money orders at this time.  You may also mail your donation to (please don’t send cash in the mail): 

  • Moose Jaw Multicultural Council Inc.
  • 60 Athabasca St. E.
  • Moose Jaw, SK S6H 0L2

At the time of donation  please specify which option you have chosen to support.  If you don’t have a preference your donation will go into the fund where the most need currently exists.