Our "Evening Around the World" international dinner is almost here, and we want to send a big thank-you to our wonderful sponsors: Moose Jaw Co-op, Conexus Credit Union, Ottawa Real Estate, and St. Andrew's United Church! They have helped make this event a reality, and we couldn't do it without their generous support. This is our biggest fundraising event of the year, and proceeds will be used to support local efforts to aid in the settlement and integration of newcomers to Canada, both through the MJMC’s delivery of programs and services, as well as supporting immigrants and refugees directly. We are looking forward to hosting a fun-filled evening of savouring the diversity while enriching our community!
As of today, there are still a few tickets available! For event details and to purchase tickets please click here: Evening Around the World. Tickets may also be purchased in-person at the Moose Jaw Event Centre Box Office – 110 1st Ave NW.