Newcomers in Moose Jaw and the surrounding region are invited to attend Prairie Skies' second Open House event, on Saturday, November 26th from 2:00-4:00 pm. Participants are welcome to attend in person at the Newcomer Welcome Centre or via Zoom, and share their thoughts in a discussion that seeks possible and realistic solutions in addressing challenges faced by newcomers to Canada in the following areas:
* Access to Information
* Housing
Those who would like to attend virtually can register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvceqtqDwuHtch6SG_Mx-DtHr69047N_mq
The event will also include a short presentation about services in the region that help newcomers get settled, and participants will learn more about Prairie Skies' Newcomer Advisory Council [formerly the Immigrant Advisory Table (IAT)], which is Prairie Skies' body of expert advisors--immigrant newcomers--who inform the work Prairie Skies does in South Central Saskatchewan. The NAC is a diverse and inclusive group of volunteers. Members represent a variety of ages, cultures, languages, genders, education and varying stages of settlement. Members make a difference in Moose Jaw & area.
You can learn more about Prairie Skies on their website at https://psinetwork.ca/