Oct 4, 2022
Moose Jaw Newcomers are invited to join us and create your own beautiful dream catcher this Thursday at 3:30pm! This is a great opportunity to learn the First Nations history of the dream catcher from an Indigenous Canadian artist, while you also make one yourself.
The event will be led by the artist and beader Jazenta Saultier, a member of Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation in Treaty 6 territory. Several pieces of her artwork have been displayed at the Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery, including a medicine wheel medallion and a traditional shawl. It is an honour to have her come share her knowledge at our event, and we are thrilled to be able to offer it to you for free. The event is open to any adult Newcomers to Canada, but spots are limited and registration is required.
Get your spot by talking to Gaby at 306-693-4677 or emailing community.connections@mjmcinc.ca. This is a beautiful cultural item to display in your home, and we hope many of you can enjoy this creative and informative event!